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Statement of Support: The Parliament of World's Religions
Lawrence Lerner • July 4, 2022

I support the Parliament Statement on the Recent U.S. Supreme Court Decision statement.

PoWR's (Parliament of World's Religions) statement cites that Dobbs' decision imposes religious views on the morals and beliefs of other faiths. Moreover, the bodily autonomy of a living womb-bearing human is less than that of a corpse. Therefore, a corpse is afforded more consent under current law than a live womb-bearing human. Additionally, the court supported Kennedy in Kennedy v. Bremerton, where a coach in a position of authority in a public school setting can pray on the athletic field. Prayer on the field is nothing more than blatant marketing or proselytizing for the coach's faith. It is, in my opinion, further evidence that the highest court in the land is eroding the separation of church and state. 

Each faith has the right to establish the morals, ethics, and principles by which its followers live their lives. No religion has the right or justification for setting values for anyone else. To the PoWR statement, "Religious pluralism is the essential context for the partnership of the world's religions working to bring about a humane future[...]." I am a firm believer in religious pluralism, not perennialism. Faiths have certain foundational concepts and principles, whether they evolved from Neoplatonist thinking, Eastern spiritualism such as Daoism, or the worship of spiritual forces of Nature. Core principles aside, this does not mean all faiths come from the same antecedents. Instead, they are unique and rich in their philosophies. Anything less is a privilege on the part of select faiths. 

Bending the knee to select Abrahamic faiths in national legal decisions erodes personal freedoms in a hazardous manner. 



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