Silent provides the tools for seekers to recognize their path and enables self-reliance for spiritual and magickal growth.
Seekers gain insight from his work and find their inner calm from his ability to listen and help others reflect.
Knowing What Not To Say
This article was first published June 15, 2019 on The Interfaith Observer website.
On March 15th, 2019 a shooter used the Facebook social media platform to broadcast the massacre of 50 Muslim worshippers in Christchurch, New Zealand. How do I write about hate without honoring it? Turn hearts and minds to the community, the families, and friends that are left behind. Honor the fallen. Leave the shooter unnamed.
The shooter invoked the name of one of the four afterlife realms revered in Heathen traditions. Heathenry is an inclusive faith, and in speaking of Valhalla the terrorist sullied the gods and goddess we revere. The Muslim faith and families honored the victims as appropriate by rite and ritual. Across Pagan traditions we believe not only in a life after life but in rebirth.
Despite the horror, there will be a life that goes on after the life that was. Communities often go into a kind of group shock and then a flailing action in all directions. Some healthy, some not. I remember being in Chicago just after 9/11. I got into a cab and at the next stoplight the driver turned around and said in a quiet voice, “Please sir, tell me why.” We pulled over and talked for a while. The driver needed someone to hold space for him. “Holding space” is the term reserved for times when someone who is taking a journey within one or more that have undergone some trauma. It’s a role somewhere between witness and counselor.
In my personal vows to my god I repeat “I teach. I guide. I witness. I do not intervene.” I counsel others (and constantly remind myself) to act without interference, judgment or control. It’s too easy to take away someone’s agency with the good-natured, “Let me do that/care for you.” You may also find yourself holding space for someone while they hold space for another. After Christchurch, good people found themselves in the position of wondering how to support their local Muslim community. A community with which they may have heard many narratives but had little personal experience.
Holding space is a sacred and selfless service to others. You are there on a painful journey when they are vulnerable and may need to be weak. It’s not required that you be a priest to hold space, but it’s often who the community looks to in emotional times. How you do that is on a case by case basis. In Pagan traditions we pray to gain insight and wisdom to do it for ourselves.
Be proactive in outreach but not action. Let others know you are present and available to listen, witness, and be mindful. Presenting experiences and outlining options or giving them a process is healthy. You will make them stronger and give them the power to make decisions that align communities and evoke something new.
Talking is the most often-used form of providing comfort. Remember that words have intent and create the world around us. Our remarks, even with the best intentions, may be less than helpful. Consider some often-used remarks that could be phrased in a different way:
You can create an oasis for communities to journey through it and let them come at their own pace. Give them a place to be safe, sacred, weak and away from judgment.
Think of it as putting pillows on a coach. Let others arrange as they see fit.
It is often said we die two deaths. First when the body ceases to function and then when our name passes from memory. Let the names of the victims not pass from memory and let all communities learn the lessons of supporting one another by holding space.
Blessed be.
The Fallen[1]
Abdukadir Elmi
Abdul Fattah Qasem
Ahmed Abdel Ghani
Ali Elmadani
Amjad Hamid
Ansi Alibava
Ashraf Ali
Ashraf Al-Masri
Ashraf Morsi
Asif Vora
Atta Elayyan
Daoud Nabi
Farhaj Ahsan
Ghulam Husain
Hafiz Musa Vali Patel
Hamza Mustafa
Haroon Mehmood
Hosne Ahmed
Hussain al-Umari
Hussein Moustafa
Junaid Kara/Ismail
Kamel Mohamad Kamel Darweesh
Karam Bibi
Khaled Mustafa
Linda Armstrong
Maheboob Khokhar
Matiullah Safi
Mohammed Imran Khan
Omar Faruk
Mohsen Mohammed Al Harbi
Mojammel Hoq
Mounir Suleiman
Mucad Ibrahim
Lilik Abdul Hamid
Abdus Samad
Musa Nur Awale
Naeem Rashid
Osama Adnan Abu Kweik
Ozair Kadir
Ramiz Vora
Sayyad Milne
Sohail Shahid
Syed Areeb Ahmed
Syed Jahandad Ali
Talha Rashid
Tariq Omar
Zakaria Bhuiya
Zeeshan Raza
Muhammad Haziq bin Mohd Tarmizi
Mohamad Moosi Mohamedhosen
Abdukadir Elmi
Silent provides the tools for seekers to recognize their path and enables self-reliance for spiritual and magickal growth.
Seekers gain insight from his work and find their inner calm from his ability to listen and help others reflect.