Silent provides the tools for seekers to recognize their path and enables self-reliance for spiritual and magickal growth.
Seekers gain insight from his work and find their inner calm from his ability to listen and help others reflect.
There have been many parables throughout history. An early allegory is the apocryphal story of Eris and the Golden Apple. According to legend, the Apple was the cause of the Trojan War. Many versions of the first story are writ; The aftermath has been well documented. Invoked, I transcribe this lesson as told to me by Eris. She is my patron and guide. It is Eris’ first lesson and caution to mortals.
This lesson is not about vanity. Broadly all suffering results from the loss of self-control. When passions get out of hand from feelings of jealousy, inadequacy, or envy, mortals suffer. These passions turn to rage. The rage which is too oft directed inward or directed upon others whom they falsely feel are the authors of that suffering. When anger spreads, it becomes the plague called “War.”
Yet, War makes for good theatre that mortals seem to love and congratulate themselves on century after century. Wars are written with lengthy prose about heroes or people who did this. Perhaps it is the sacrifice of an individual for the greater good. There is an only tragedy and the vanity of victors in the end. War is the price for the loss of control. In the end, it only makes for loneliness.
You must understand a little about me, Eris, to understand the lesson. Am I a petty and small thing feeling sorry for myself for not being invited to the wedding of a mortal? Did I lose control? I am Change, Whimsy, and I am the stillness just before a flower blooms. I exist outside of the hierarchy of power. Therefore I am labeled a “disruptive” strife bringer. Discord. I am the divine feminine of creation that must not yield. The egg must break before you enjoy what’s inside; otherwise, it stagnates and rots. Yet even when change comes, there is a natural rhythm and order. I bear Witness.
The slight I addressed was not to me and my lack of an invite. It was to a power which does not yield or conform to hierarchy. Know this: my first Mystery is control, or as some would mark it, willpower. All control is self-control. Power over others is an illusion. You either have self-control, or you relinquish it to another. It is like the motion of your arm; muscles only pull in one direction.
I put two shiny objects made of pure Will given those assembled. What happened afterward was not of me.
Kallistēi – For the Fairest.
Conformity, mediocrity, and fear of upsetting the status quo were the order of the day. Divine beings like everything to follow their roles and play their parts. Their response to the apple was predictable. We all played our expected roles.
Poor role models were they for the mortals present.
The Goddesses thought only about how others would perceive them should they possess the apple. The embodiment of Wisdom couldn’t see the folly of squabbling over a trophy? “’ I am fairest.” “See me.” “Look at me.” “Desire only me.” Upon the apple, they pounced like ants devouring honey. Had I made it into a sword, they would have skewered themselves upon it.
Then Zeus did a most un-regal thing. To avoid conflict with His peers, He gave up control. True rulers are ready to take accountability and responsibility even when difficult choices, yet he left the decision to a mortal.
And what of noble Paris? His part in history is often called “The Judgment of Paris.” The years have been kind to him and his role in the ensuing bloodshed. The story is about my judgment and the failure of Paris. Paris had many choices. Cut the apple into three and appease the Goddesses. For that is the power of Will; no matter how small it is, you can always grow it. He could have taken the Apple for himself or destroyed it. The goddess would have killed him, but the war would not have come to Troy. He could have made the sacrifice for his people.
Paris lost control of selfish desire. Tragedy he brought upon his people, lust for an unobtainable creature. Helen was a Golden Apple I made in another form. Paris cast aside his mortal bride and so much more for Helen. He saw Helen not as a companion but as a possession. It was only fitting to his hubris that the most beautiful woman be his, should he not have the Apple. Through free will, Paris could have refused her gift of Helen.
And what of the Apple? Apple’s power develops your will if you consume it, but Aphrodite locked it away. She could only bear to give it out when it served higher greed. True beauty must be shared and seen by the light of the sun and moon to be appreciated.
My lessons are not easy and oft appear cruel. Baby birds are pushed from the nest to understand their ability to fly. Yet, not before their parents show them the way. It is instinctual. It is as all the others do, so they do it as well. In all of creation, only mortals have free will. It is your greatest gift, possibly the greatest of all. How you direct your choice sets your fate and those around you. My lessons teach self-mastery and growth: to grow, study self-mastery; Improve yourselves mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally; become your own most outstanding work. Otherwise, you will have proven to have learned little from my lesson. War will seek you out. And in the end, only I will bear witness.
Blessed be.
Silent provides the tools for seekers to recognize their path and enables self-reliance for spiritual and magickal growth.
Seekers gain insight from his work and find their inner calm from his ability to listen and help others reflect.