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Crafting Your Magickal Journal
Silent • January 2, 2023

Magick is a sacred science.

Journaling is one of my favorite topics. It is both a qualitative and quantitative tool for expressing thoughts, for reflection and for precise, detailed records. Typically, I carry two to three journals, one for daily work and personal administration. Another is a personal journal/diary, and one is a handwritten prayer book. There are several more for language study, herbalism, and other fields of interest. All journals have blank pages for writing and an easier time with drawings.

Creating detailed records is an essential part of the scientific method. Common wisdom might say that scientific methods and occultism are at odds. In reality, practicing occultists know that magick is a sacred science. And in science, the first rule is that all experiments must be reproducible.

Reproducibility is the ability of independent third parties to obtain the same conclusions from a set of steps or an experiment. This applies to physics, cooking, magickal workings, and other processes that follow natural law. It does not mean the outcome is identical. It does mean that if you use a telescope to look at a distant object, you see that object magnified by the power of the lenses you use. Lenses of different focal lengths and sizes will provide greater or less magnification, but the view of the object will be enhanced. While you may never share your magickal journal with another, it helps you reproduce the types of results and enables you to build on the foundations of your workings. The way to share those steps is through rigorous documentation of your work. The place to do it is in a journal.

The Journal

The journal itself may be simple or elaborate. You can use anything from sheets of paper to grade school notebooks to elaborately bound handmade paper diaries. Any writing instrument will do as well. I suggest a pen that provides clear lines. You can always create or embellish pages with images using a variety of colors, markers, and other writing instruments. My everyday writing instrument is a fountain pen which I’ve used for the last 20 years.

For you, as the occultist, you need a magickal record. To do that, here are suggestions for building your magickal journal. Following the experiments requires clear, concise, and complete documents. That record is for you to reflect and understand the work you do. However, a journal is more than just a recording. It allows you to capture all of the factors of your work. So we’ll create a series of prompts to help you remember the environment, your mood, the steps of the experiment, and everything that went into it.

Your journal may be as straightforward or as elaborate as you like. My recommendation is for you to use a paper journal. Writing enhancement memory and, like any other craft practice, encourages you to take more than you might with an electronic one. As a lifelong technologist, I love my gadgets and have copious electronic records. I choose to write rather than type because it allows me to be more expressive. However, don’t let that prevent you from using something that works for you. Electronic records are searchable; you can have both.

Your journal is separate from your BOS (Book of Shadows) or spell book you have acquired. Think of the magickal experience as an exercise in dining if your BOS or grimoire is the recipe book. The ritual or ceremony is the menu, the steps, and the spells that you put your magickal recipes into practice. The magickal journal is your Yelp review. 😊

I've included a sigil for your journal. It will provide focus and clarity of your writing.

What should you journal?

Everything. Write it all down and do it as soon as practical. Don’t stop a ritual from making your observations but don’t wait several hours either. No one has a perfect memory. A record of what you did, taken as soon as possible, will help you remember.

Details, details, details.

  • I used dirt from City Park, New Orleans, gifted by a 600-year-old tree.


  • I used dirt from around an old tree.


Journaling prompts to help you remember what to record about the events—Cherry-pick amongst these prompts. Be practical about how much detail is required. For example, your daily tarot pull doesn’t require a three-page write-up with astrological positions and the number of times you shuffled. On the other hand, dark-moon scrying, where you wait until your birthday month, merits more detail.

  1. What was your intention going into the ritual or ceremony?
  2. What were the date and time?
  3. What were the steps?
  4. Number them and leave enough spacing for you to make corrections, comments, or changes in the future.
  5. Approximately how long did you take with each step?
  6. Take the time to write out any elaborate gestures, mudras, or Golden Dawn calisthenics (“I performed a banishing” vs. “I performed the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram”). Then, future, you will thank yourself because you didn’t write down the time, but you recorded that you performed Resh facing south. Hint that tells you what time you did the ritual.  
  7. Did you use tools such as a scrying bowl, book, crystals, tarot cards, or a wand?
  8. Did you cleanse them or do anything significant?
  9. What were the ingredients?
  10. Did you acquire something special such as stormwater gathered under the light of a full moon?
  11. How much of each did you use? If you are making incense, precision is critical, along with the detailed steps.
  12. The environmental conditions
  13. What time of day?
  14. Was the room lit by natural light, candles, or perhaps wholly dark?
  15. Was there background noise or sound?
  16. What was the weather like?
  17. Did you make a note of the astrological conditions? Dark moon, Jupiter ascending?
  18. Was anyone with you or nearby?
  19. Furbaby or familiar? Note that these are not the same thing. I’ll write a different article about familiars.
  20. What was your physical and emotional state?   
  21. Any strong emotions?
  22. Did you meditate or put yourself into a trance?
  23. Did you make a point to ground and center?
  24. Did the weather affect you? Were you too hot or cold?
  25. How did you feel physically? Were you sick? Full or hungry? Tired?
  26. Did you do any ritual cleansing?
  27. Did you notice any effects?
  28. If you were scrying, what did you see? It helps say out loud anything you might have seen. This help with memory retention. This is a very effective technique for dream journaling. Always keep a notepad and pen by your bed.
  29. Nothing still merits a notation. The effects might not be noticed until later.
  30. Did you do a banishing?
  31. Please clear the space after any significant ritual. If you did an evocation, invocation, or build-up of energies, release them. Release the quarters. Please.
  32. How did you feel during and afterward?
  33. The scientific method is crucial, and your feelings are equally valid. Be brutally honest about how you felt. There were lessons learned, good, bad, or otherwise.
  34. Leave some room at the end of the entry. There may be events you recall or that happen later that you’ll want to note.

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Silent provides the tools for seekers to recognize their path and enables self-reliance for spiritual and magickal growth. 

Seekers gain insight from his work and find their inner calm from his ability to listen and help others reflect.

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