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All Pagans Vote
Lawrence Lerner • October 23, 2022

How will you make your intentions known?

The #AllPagansVote movement was started in 2016 with my attempt to ensure we have a seat at the table. Today, the table is set by others and not always with the best intentions or concerns. Whom you vote for, the issues and the objectives are solely up to you. But I ask you to vote and make your intentions and concerns known.

As someone who travels in many Pagan circles (pun intended), I often hear, “Why should I/we? It's their election.” “My one vote doesn’t matter; the election is rigged.”

Perhaps all those are true. We are, by nature, counterculture. Our systems of belief pre-date the current systems and conflict with accepted norms. Values of Nature-first, and equality of all, for all are not in everyone’s thought process. However, if we do not ask, the answer is always “No.” Here are some additional reasons for you to vote.

1.    Every vote does count.

There are enough stories in recent memory of elections that were tipped by a handful of votes. Voting is a lot like most covens and not-for-profits. Decisions are made by those who show up.

2.    Elections affect your life every day.

Whether or not you vote, your taxes are spent by those in office. They make the decisions. Politicians pay attention to dollars and voting blocks. Which do you have?

3.    Be the change you want to see.

If you want to effect change, make it. Do. The. Work. Or better yet, see who in your circle is the one you’ve been waiting for to run for office. Maybe it is you.

Very rarely do I ask you to share my writing. In this case, please do share it with your friends, family of choice, community, and anyone in your network. Too much depends on our voices being heard for us not to have a seat at the table.


How to register to vote

Upcoming elections




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